오늘은 하지를 지배하는 신경, 근육, 그리고 근육들의 움직임에 대해서 알아보겠습니다.
하지 신경 (Lower extermity nerve)
먼저 하지 신경을 크게 두가지로 나누어 보자면 운동신경과 감각신경으로 나눌 수 있습니다.
★ Hip/Thigh
1) 운동신경 (Motor)
- Obturator nerve
- Femoral nerve
- Sciatic nerve
- Superior gluteal nerve
- Inferior gluteal nerve
2) 감각신경 (Sensory)
- Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
- Obturator nerve
- Femoral nerve
★ Leg/foot
1) 운동신경 (Motor)
- Tibial nerve
- Common peroneal
: Deep peroneal nerve/Superficial peroneal nerve
2) 감각신경 (Sensory)
- Sural nerve
- Saphenous nerve
- Deep peroneal nerve
- Superfical peroneal nerve
- Tibial nerve
해당 신경들을 하나씩 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.
▣ Obturator nerve (폐쇄신경)
Origin : L2, L3, L4 (요신경 2,3,4 번에서 origin)
Motor innervation
: Hip adduction
Muscle innervation
: Adductor magnus, longus, and brevis, gracilis
- 주로 허벅지 안쪽 근육들을 지배하고 있습니다.
Sensory innervation
: Medial thigh
Terminal branch
: None
▣ Femoral nerve (대퇴신경)
Origin : L2, L3, L4 (요신경 2,3,4 번에서 origin)
Motor innervation
: Hip flexion, Knee extension
Muscle innervation
: Iliacus, sartorius, rectus femoris (Hip flexion)
: Qudadriceps femoris(Rectus femoris, vastus medialis, intermedius, lateralis) (Knee extension)
Sensory innervation
: Anteromedial thigh
: Medial leg and foot (via saphenous nerve)
Terminal branch
: Saphenous nerve
▣ Sciatic nerve (엉덩신경)
Origin : L4, L5, S1,S2,S3 (요신경 4,5 천추신경 S1,S2,S3 번에서 origin)
Motor innervation
: Knee flexion
Muscle innervation
: Hamstrings (semimebranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris-long head)
Sensory innervation
: 직접적으로 연결된 감각신경은 없음
Terminal branch
: Common peroneal nerve
: Tibial nerve
▣ Common peroneal nerve (총비골신경)
Origin : L4, L5, S1,S2 (요신경 4,5 천추신경 S1,S2 번에서 origin)
Motor innervation
: Knee flexion
Muscle innervation
: Biceps femoris - short head
Sensory innervation
: Lateral knee
: Anterior leg and dorsum of foot
: Posterolateral leg
Terminal branch
: Deep peroneal nerve
: Superficial peroneal nerve
▣ Deep peroneal nerve (깊은 종아리 신경)
Origin : L4, L5 (요신경 4,5 번에서 origin)
Motor innervation
: Ankle dorsiflexion
: Toe extension
Muscle innervation
: Tibialis anterior (Ankle dorsiflexion)
: Extensor digitorum longus, Extensor hallucis longus (Toe extension)
Sensory innervation
: First webspace
Terminal branch
: 없음
▣ Superficial peroneal nerve (얕은 종아리 신경)
Origin : L4, L5,S1 (요신경 4,5,천추신경 1 번에서 origin)
Motor innervation
: Ankle eversion
Muscle innervation
: Peroneus longus and brevis (Ankle eversion)
Sensory innervation
: Anterolateral leg
: Dorsum of foot except for the first webspace
Terminal branch
: 없음
▣ Tibial nerve (경골 신경)
Origin : L4, L5,S1,S2,S3 (요신경 4,5,천추신경 1,2,3 번에서 origin)
Motor innervation
: Ankle plantarflexion
Muscle innervation
: Tibilais posterior (Ankle inversion)
: Flexor digitorum longus, Flexor hallucis longus (Toe flexion)
Sensory innervation
: Plantar aspect of the foot
: Posterolateral leg
Terminal branch
: Medal and lateral plantar nerve
▣ Inferior gluteal nerve (하전 신경)
Origin : L5,S1,S2 (요신경 5,천추신경 1,2 번에서 origin)
Motor innervation
: Hip extension
Muscle innervation
: Gluteus maximus
Sensory innervation
: 없음
Terminal branch
: 없음
▣ Superior gluteal nerve (상전 신경)
Origin : L4,L5,S1 (요신경 4,5,천추신경 1 번에서 origin)
Motor innervation
: Hip abduction
Muscle innervation
: Gluteus medius, Gluteus minimus, Tensor fascia latae (Hip abduction)
Sensory innervation
: 없음
Terminal branch
: 없음
▣ Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (대퇴부 외측 신경)
Origin : L2,L3 (요신경 2,3 번에서 origin)
Motor innervation
: 없음
Muscle innervation
: 없음
Sensory innervation
: Anterolateral thigh
Terminal branch
: 없음
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